
Business Trip: Shanghai - Hangzhou - Shenzen (bis 12.11.); CNBW Discount
05 Nov

Business Trip: Shanghai - Hangzhou - Shenzen (bis 12.11.); CNBW Discount

Finding Mission - (Re)Discover China - From World Factory to Global Innovator?
Shanghai - Hangzhou - Shenzen
5 - 12 November 2023
Swiss Centers ... with support of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Guangzhou + Service of the Economy of the Canton of Neuchâtel (NECO) + Economy of Trust Foundation + Swiss-Chinese Association – French Speaking Region etc.

10% discount for CNBW Members (German + others)
For more information (program, flights etc.) ask Mr. Romain BARRABAS
(China Market Access Manager of the Swiss Centers)

Flyer Business Trip: here