
Sinokultur im Salon: Thomas Stauffer
14 Mar

Sinokultur im Salon: Thomas Stauffer

Sinokultur im Salon: Thomas Stauffer
14 March 2024; 18:30 - 21:30 (CET)
Location: Zurich, Sinokultur
Organizer: Sinokultur

Subject: The art advisor Thomas Stauffer will talk about contemporary Chinese artists and their relationship with the international art market: Where does the international art market stand today: trends, tendencies? His relation to the Chinese art market. Brief historical summary and the development of the Chinese art market in the last 25-30 years. Examples of three Chinese artists and the analysis of their success.

Thomas Stauffer (Partner, Gerber & Stauffer Fine Arts) has made a name for himself internationally for sourcing important artworks off-market from within private collections. He holds degrees in Economics and Human Resource Management as well as a post-graduate degree in Arts and Cultural Management. He advises Swiss banks on art investments and has been President of the Swiss Art Trading Association since 2021.
