Allgemeine News

Rückblick: 15 Jahre Städtpartnerschaft Konstanz - Suzhou

Seit 15 Jahren besteht die Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Konstanz und Suzhou. Wie sie in Zeiten globaler Krisen und Konflikte weiterentwickelt werden kann, wurde u. a. beim 35. China-Asien-Netzwerktreffen am 6. April 2022 im historischen Konstanzer Ratssaal thematisiert.


Magazine EURObiz - New Issue: Communicating with HQ

The March/April 2022 issue of EURObiz focusses on communicating with HQ – interactions between China-based branches of European companies and their headquarters back in Europe, on pandemic-related disruptions to workflows, as well as flows of finances, data and technology, and unreasonable expectations from either side.


Government’s work priorities for 2022 and implications

According to PwC China will in 2022 strive to stabilise economic operation, deliver reasonable economic growth, and maintain overall social stability. Learn more about the background in PWC's paper "Two Sessions in 2022 raised confidence in China’s development amid global turbulence".


Video: Shuanghe caves system - longest cave network in Asia

The Shuanghe cave system is the biggest in Suiyang city (Guizhou Province). It stretches for more than 300 kilometers, making it the largest cave network in Asia. 


Flash-Survey: Current COVID-19 outbreak + Ukraine war heavily impacting German businesses in China

With major Chinese cities in lockdown and an ongoing devastating war in Europe, German companies in China are increasingly anxious about their businesses, a flash survey conducted by the German Chamber of Commerce in China shows.
