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Caught between Russia and the West? China’s Struggle for a Position on Ukraine

"China has been desperately struggling not to take sides too openly in a war where there is no such thing as a neutral position. The Chinese leadership’s dithering rhetoric has been a diplomatic balancing act. Ukraine has unexpectedly become China’s fundamental dilemma in the run-up to the 20th Party Congress later this year." Cora Jungbluth (Bertelsmann Stiftung) elaborates on the struggle for a position.
Article: here

Huangpu office in Europe held Heidelberg session of 8th Guangzhou Annual Investment Conference (GAIC)

On March 10th, the office of Huangpu, Guangzhou Development District in Europe, 
held the Heidelberg session of 8th Guangzhou Annual Investment Conference (GAIC) at the premises of the Sino-German Hi-Tech Park in Heidelberg titled – "Invest in green opportunities at the heart of the Greater Bay Area". Both partners holds the GAIC session together for the 2nd time since the office launched its operations in March 2020.
Read more: here

Vorstellung: Interessante Frauen aus der Wissenschaft

Der DAAD stellt drei (Führungs-)Frauen aus der Wissenschaft vor, darunter Prof. Pan Yaling (u. a. Mitglied des Anleitungskomitees für Germanistik als Studienfach an chinesischen Hochschulen und des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des "Intercultural Journal") und Huang Hongzi (Präsidentin des Deutschen Medien Verlages der Region China und der Plattformen IndustryStock.com und Diribo). Ziel ist, Menschen für den akademischen Austausch zu gewinnen!
Mehr: hier

2021 Annual Report of the German Chamber of Commerce in China

The Annual Report 2021 grants an overview of the broad range of activities organized by the German Chamber of Commerce in China in the past year. It features the China-wide advocacy activities, market intelligence, and market expansion, as well as business and social events. The report is distributed among all members and regularly handed out at key Chamber events, business partner, and stakeholder meetings.

Deutsche Anbieter in Hongkong behaupten sich in Nischen

Hongkong ist die wohl wichtigste Handelsplattform Asiens. Das Außenhandelsvolumen summierte sich 2021 nach Angaben des lokalen Statistikamtes auf 1,3 Bio. Dollar. Laut dem halbstaatlichen Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) gibt es in der Metropole knapp 100.000 Ex- und Importfirmen. 
Artikel (GTAI): hier