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Is a company allowed to go dormant?

(30.8.2022) Whether a company is allowed to go dormant under PRC law was not clearly regulated under PRC law before March 2022. On 1 March 2022, the PRC Administrative Regulations on Registration of Market Entities came into force. They stipulate that a market entity is allowed to be dormant, but shall meet the respective statutory requirements. Find below an overview - by CNBW member CMS China - of the statutory requirements, as well as relevant legal implications.
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Liquidation eines Unternehmens in China: Zwei Szenarien

(29.8.2022) Rechtliche und steuerliche Anforderungen bei der Unternehmensauflösung können sich je nach Form der Anpassung der Unternehmens­struktur unterscheiden. Rödl & Partner hat nachfolgend zusammengefasst.
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View from China: Why dialogue and collaboration is key for a global post-pandemic recovery

(29.8.2022) Community members from the World Economic Forum identified three key areas for action to enhance communication and understanding between China and the world.
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Rolle der Staatsunternehmen und Buy Chinese Policy – Zur Novelle des chinesischen Government Procurement Law

(29.8.2022) CNBW-Mitglied SNB Law berichtet über den Neuentwurf des chinesischen Gesetzes über das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen. Die Einbeziehung der staatseigenen Unternehmen und die "Buy-Chinese Policy“ sind die wichtigsten Schlüsselthemen.
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Wanted: GM at European Chamber Shanghai

The European Chamber has an opening for the position of General Manager, Shanghai. The Shanghai Chapter is the European Chamber’s largest chapter in terms of members. There are 16 staff members and a local board composed of senior business executives. The office is located in Xintiandi.
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