"Der strategische Kontext für ausländische Unternehmen ist noch anspruchsvoller geworden"
"Das erste Jahr der Umsetzung des 14. Fünfjahresplans verlief in den Augen der chinesischen Regierung weitgehend erfolgreich. Der Plan war zwar schon auf einen schwierigen internationalen Kontext ausgelegt. Der Krieg in der Ukraine stelle China nun aber vor eine allem Anschein nach unlösbare diplomatische Herausforderung" - das sagt Markus Herrmann, Mitgründer und Geschäftsführer der auf China spezialisierten Beratungsfirma China Macro Group (CNBW-Mitglied) im Interview mit der NZZ - Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Interview: hier
Linyi wird die größte E-Commerce-Logistikbasis in Nordchina - Push durch Live-Streaming
Linyi, bezirksfreie Stadt in der Provinz Shandong, hat sich zur größten E-Commerce-Logistikbasis im nördlichen Teil Chinas entwickelt. Das wird durch die starke Entwicklung des Live-Streaming-E-Commerce und anderer neuer Geschäftsformen angetrieben. Das Handelsvolumen des Live-Streaming-E-Commerce von Linyi auf Kuaishou, einer führenden Kurzvideoplattform in China, gehört zu den Spitzenreitern des Landes.
Mehr: hier
Closer cooperation with Russia in the energy sector is in the interest of China
"In view of its economic interests and the new geopolitical situation, China is very likely to increase its engagement and investments in Russia’s energy sector. The foundations for this have been laid in recent years. In the short run, China would certainly not be able not help Russia mitigate or even compensate for the substantial economic losses, if there was a large-scale oil and gas embargo from the West. If, however, the West, and Europe in particular, do not impose a strict energy boycott on Russia, but try to gradually reduce its energy dependence on Russia, China and Russia will gain time to implement (new) joint energy projects", stated Dr Wan-Hsin Liu, Senior Researcher in the Research Centers "International Trade and Investment" and "Innovation and International Competition" at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Article: here
Caught between Russia and the West? China’s Struggle for a Position on Ukraine
"China has been desperately struggling not to take sides too openly in a war where there is no such thing as a neutral position. The Chinese leadership’s dithering rhetoric has been a diplomatic balancing act. Ukraine has unexpectedly become China’s fundamental dilemma in the run-up to the 20th Party Congress later this year." Cora Jungbluth (Bertelsmann Stiftung) elaborates on the struggle for a position.
Article: here
Huangpu office in Europe held Heidelberg session of 8th Guangzhou Annual Investment Conference (GAIC)
On March 10th, the office of Huangpu, Guangzhou Development District in Europe,
held the Heidelberg session of 8th Guangzhou Annual Investment Conference (GAIC) at the premises of the Sino-German Hi-Tech Park in Heidelberg titled – "Invest in green opportunities at the heart of the Greater Bay Area". Both partners holds the GAIC session together for the 2nd time since the office launched its operations in March 2020.
Read more: here
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