European Chamber: Podcast "Position Paper and China’s 14th Five-year Plan"
Jörg Wuttke (President of the European Chamber), Caroline Chen (Chair of the Information and Communication Technology Working Group) and Xu Zhonghua (Chair of the Energy Working Group) discuss the recently released European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 and the potential impact of China’s 14th Five-year Plan on European businesses.
Listen here
Video competition in Zhongshan
My China Story' International Short Video Competition 2021 is an annual video competition organized by China Matter since 2019 for short video stories on living, working, studying, and traveling in China. These stories are produced by both local Chinese people and foreigners living in China.
Read more: here
Nachfrage nach Textilmaschinen in Taiwan erholt sich
Taiwan nimmt beim Absatz von Textilmaschinen eine regionale Schlüsselrolle ein. Die Branchenimporte ziehen nach einem Einbruch im letzten Jahr seit Anfang 2021 wieder deutlich an.
Artikel der GTAI: hier
Videos in Sachen Nationalfeiertag
Kurzvideos zum Online-Festakt der Chinesischen Botschaft in Deutschland anlässlich des Nationalfeiertags am 1. Oktober 2021 ... u.a. mit Siemens-Chef Joe Kaeser und Gerhard Schröder.
Download: hier
Partner, Competitor, Rival – China policy at a crossroads
China must be a higher priority on the foreign policy agenda than it has been so far. Germany’s relations with China will be a balancing act in the coming legislature. The new German government will have to set a course for the future - according to German Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Read more (5 part series): here
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