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ShortCuts: China’s pledges to promote private businesses and investment + policy and law briefing by MOFCOM

(30.7.2023) This EU Chamber's episode contains segments on China’s recent pledges to promote the development of private businesses and private investment; a briefing session for the foreign business community on recent laws and policies, including cross-border data transfer, the Anti-espionage Law and export controls organised by China’s Ministry of Commerce and the announcements by Chinese mobile payment platforms WeChat Pay and Alipay that they would expand their services to international travellers. 
ShortCuts (26 July): here

Study: From a China strategy to no strategy at all

(28.7.2023) National China Strategies: Where do member states and other European countries stand? Mechanisms: How do European countries share information about China, and how do they coordinate? EU Instruments: What national instruments are in place? Risk analysis: approaches? The study "From a China strategy to no strategy at all" (European Think-tank Network on China, ETNC) was edited by MERICS experts Bernhard Bartsch and Claudia Wessling.
More: here

29. Juli, Leonberg: Deutsch-chinesische interkulturelle Verständigung – auch mit den Kindern dazu beitragen

(25.7.2023) Noch rasch anmelden: "Rückblick und Perspektiven der deutsch-chinesischen interkulturellen Verständigung zur Anregung – wie wir bzw. mit unseren Kindern dazu beitragen können"; Veranstaltung des Vereins VIKBAS; Partner: CNBW.
Mehr: hier

Exchange rate transmission to prices in emerging Asia + role of global shocks

(24.7.2003) Over the past 25 years, central banks in emerging Asia have improved their monetary policy frameworks, helping to anchor inflation expectations and support broader macroeconomic stability. While this has also contributed to enhancing the resilience of Asian economies to external shocks, the exchange rate channel remains a key transmission mechanism of disturbances to the real economy and financial markets. The Asian Development Bank examines the evolution of the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT).
Paper: here

Akademische Kooperationen neu justieren

(21.7.2023) Durch die Pandemie war der akademische Austausch mit China fast zum Erliegen gekommen. Warum die deutsch-chinesische Partnerschaft aber auch in Zukunft wichtig ist, schildert Ruth Schimanowski, Leiterin der DAAD-Außenstelle Beijing, mit einem persönlichen Blick auf das Land.
Mehr: hier