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Asia’s climate change mitigation outlook

(28.11.2022) Warren Evan, Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Climate Envoy, explains the benefits of climate change mitigation efforts to developing countries in Asia and the Pacific and discusses some solutions for achieving their carbon reduction commitments. He provides a blueprint for long-term emissions cuts critical to climate change mitigation and resilience.
Podcast: here

Infos zum Containerumschlag im Hafen Shanghai

(25.11.2022) In den ersten drei Quartalen 2022 lag der Containerumschlag des Shanghaier Hafens bei 34,89 Mio TEU. Der synchrone LNG-Bunkerservice von Schiff zu Schiff hat den Normalbetrieb aufgenommen. Rund 98% der in Betrieb befindlichen Schiffe sind mit Landstrom-Empfangsanlagen ausgestattet worden. Das meldet der Xinhua Silk Road Information Service.
Mehr: hier

Zaghafte Rückkehr deutscher Studierender

(25.11.2022) Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) organisierte im Oktober und November ein Online-Austauschtreffen. Zielgruppe waren alle deutschen Studierenden innerhalb Chinas oder mit Ausreisewunsch.
Mehr: hier

Episode 20: Bridging the EU and China with Food

(22.11.2022) In this China Dispatches episode, host Ziting Zhang, European Chamber’s head of government affairs, is joined by Damien Plan, agricultural counsellor at the EU  Delegation to China, to talk about the development of the landmark bilateral agreement on Geographical Indications between the EU and China, the introduction of cheese to the Chinese market, and bilateral trade on food.
Episode 20: here

Cross-industry Mentor Initiative Cycle 4

(22.11.2022) The Cross-industry Mentor Initiative Cycle 4 by the European Chamber will partner mid- to senior-level managers in China with C-suite leaders of European business in China, who helped to impart the additional skills and knowledge required for them take the next step in their careers, from senior management to board-level positions. This is a part-time course lasting approximately 6 months from December 2022 to June 2023.
More: here