Cooperation School Programs ... Looking for Fachhochschule (Training Provider)
(4.10.2022) Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University of Construction (ZGUC) is looking for a cooperation partner (Fachhochschule; Bachelor and Master degrees) in the fields of architecture, art design and digital media programs. ZGUC will discuss annual tuition, curriculum and teacher’s qualification etc.
More: here
Zur Immobilienkrise in China
(2.10.2022) Die chinesische Wirtschaft schrumpfte im 2. Quartal 2022 spürbar. Maßgeblich waren Sonderfaktoren wie knappheitsbedingte Einschränkungen in der Energieversorgung, Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen im Zuge der Null-Covid-Politik, aber auch Probleme im Immobiliensektor, die die Konjunktur in China noch längere Zeit belasten dürften, meint Jan Reents (Kiel Instititut für die Welrtwirtschaft).
Artikel: hier
Goodbye China: What do fewer foreigners in China mean for multinationals and the Chinese Economy?
(2.10.2022) This article by Wan-Hsin Liu und Frank Bickenbach (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) discusses the economic challenges that the reduction in the number of foreigners is causing for Western multinationals operating in China and to the Chinese economy more generally. The consequences could spill over to the world economy and reinforce the economic and technological decoupling tendencies between China and the West.
Article (in: Intereconomics): here
Xi’s Control Room: The Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform
(28.9.2022) China’s leadership has institutionalized agenda-setting and supervision within policy making around Xi Jinping. A look at the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform (CCDR) - a supra-ministry used to accelerate priority reforms of the Xi leadership - can tell a great deal about the potentials and pitfalls associated with this trend. (MERICS Primer: Nis Grünberg and Vincent Brussee)
Analysis: here
Buchverlosung: Couchsurfing in China
(28.9.2022) Anlässlich der Lesung "Couchsurfing in China" in Oberkirch (18.10.2022; 20:00 - 21:00 Uhr) von Couchsurfer Stephan Orth verlost das CNBW zwei Bücher unter seinen Mitgliedern.
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