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Shenzhen Fashion Week: "Grüne" Lieferkette und digitale Transformation

(10.11.2022) Shenzhen sieht sich als eines der am weitesten entwickelten Modezentren Chinas. Stabile Industrie- und Lieferketten sollen den Standort für mehr als 4.100 High-Tech-Unternehmen im Stadtteil Nanshan attraktiv machen.
Mehr: hier

Fünf Jahre: Schutz geistigen Eigentums von deutschen Unternehmen in China

(8.11.2022) "IP Key China" ist ein langjähriges Projekt, das von der Europäischen Kommission geleitet und vom Amt der Europäischen Union für geistiges Eigentum (EUIPO) umgesetzt und kofinanziert wird. Das Amt hat die Zusammenarbeit und den politischen Dialog im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums zwischen der EU und China erheblich unterstützt, um gleiche Wettbewerbsbedingungen für Rechteinhaber aus der EU zu schaffen.
Mehr: hier

How was an ancient Chinese village transformed by art?

(7.11.2022) Gejia village, located in a remote mountainous area of Ningbo, east China's Zhejiang Province, has a history of more than 1.300 years. This place was once a small, underdeveloped village largely devoid of any industry. The collective income of Gejia village was a dismal 120.000 yuan back in 2019, but rose to more than 500.000 yuan in 2021. What made a village change in just three years?
Video (English, Italian): here

Knorr-Bremse: Investment and cooperation with Shanghai Bobang

(4.11.2022) Knorr-Bremse (global market leader for braking systems and a leading supplier of other rail and commercial vehicle systems) has signed investment and cooperation agreements with Chinese e-motor supplier Shanghai Bobang Automotive Technology worth a mid-single digit million euro amount.
More: here

Interests of family offices and high-net-worth individuals on digital assets

(4.11.2022) KPMG China and Aspen Digital announced the results of a recent study indicating 92 percent of respondents were interested in investing in digital assets, with 58 percent of family offices and high-net-worth individuals already investing, while 34 percent are planning to make such investment (Feedback from 30 family offices and high-net-worth individuals based in Hongkong and Singapore, 9/2022).
Report: here