Highlights from Summer Davos in Dalian
(5.7.2024) From climate change to the Chinese economy: Get all the takeaways from the meeting The World Economic's Forum (Summer Davos), held in Dalian from 25 to 27 June 2024 ...
Klimaneutrale Sportausrüstung in Paris
(3.7.2024) Der chinesische Sportbekleidungsriese Anta (Quanzhou) hat als Partner des Chinesischen Olympischen Komitees das klimaneutrale Paris-Outfit vorgestellt, das die Delegation bei den Medaillenzeremonien während der kommenden Olympischen Spiele tragen wird. Designberater ist Regisseur Zhang Yimou.
Mehr: hier
Neu: NIO Power Swap Station in Berlin-Spandau
(1.7.2024) NIO, globales Unternehmen für intelligente Elektrofahrzeuge im Premium-Segment, hat am 1. Juli eine neue Power Swap Station (PSS) in Berlin-Spandau auf dem Areal der MOTORWORLD Manufaktur Berlin eröffnet - und damit die bislang 16. in Deutschland und 44. in Europa.
Mehr: hier
Chinese workers need more skills for the country's economic pivot
(1.7.2024) China's economic landscape is fraught with challenges, including failing property developers, debt-strapped local governments and weak consumer demand. To sustain annual economic growth at the level of "around 5%", the government is seeking to cultivate what it calls "new quality productive forces." Read more in an Article (via IMOVE) by Wei Li (University of Sydney Business School; member of the university's China Studies Centre).
More: here
EU and China agree to talks on potential EV tariffs
(27.6.2024) This China Shortcuts episode by the EU Chamber contains segments on: EU and China agree to talks on potential EV tariffs; China to limit low-end capacity in the solar industry; Foreign direct investment from January to May 2024; New measures to boost consumption.
More: here
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