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Shanghai behauptet Platz 3 im Ranking der internationalen Schifffahrtszentren

Laut dem diesjährigen Xinhua-Baltic International Shipping Center Development Index Report sind Singapur, London und Shanghai die drei wichtigsten globalen Schifffahrtsdrehkreuze im Jahr 2021, gefolgt von Hongkong, Dubai, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Athen/Piräus, New York/New Jersey und Ningbo.
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Template: Code of Conduct for Sustainable Supply Chains in China

The German Chamber of Commerce in China provides a template for a "Code of Conduct for Sustainable Supply Chains in China" for German companies in China. This sheet can be adapted to particular industries and business fields and also in companies with headquarters in other regions. 
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News: Chinese Visa Applications Policies

Source European Chamber: According to the Notice on Visa Facilitation for Applicants Inoculated with COVID-19 Vaccines Produced in China released by multiple Chinese embassies, a PU letter is no longer required for foreigners with a Chinese vaccine certificate in the following European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (UK), among others.
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Quanzhou soll ein Logistikknotenpunkt der Maritimen Seidenstraße werden

Im 14. Fünf-Jahres-Plan (2021-2025) nachzulesen: Quanzhou in der südostchinesischen Provinz Fujian wird zur Gateway-Stadt der Maritimen Seidenstraße ausgebaut. Kanal, Autobahn, Eisenbahn und Seetransport werden integriert, um die Stadt mit den zentralen und westlichen Regionen in China sowie den Belt&Road-Ländern zu verbinden.
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Rural revitalization: Efforts of a Chinese village in preventing falling back into poverty

Could rural areas fall back into poverty? Do people still need to be supported from here and onwards? And how do you prevent people from falling back into poverty? China's answer is 'rural revitalization'. Example: Sanjianxi in Shandong.
Read more (+ Video): here